Signed & personalized books for yourself (or as a great gift!)
Love Calamity so much you want a signed copy? Or are you hunting for the perfect gift for that avid reader or scifi junkie on your holiday list? Calamity makes a great gift! And to make your gift even more unique, I’ll send you a personalized, autographed bookplate for free!
Holiday variations of Calamity bookplates.
Calamity bookplates are specially designed stickers you can put in the front of the novel. It’s just like getting the book signed—only over the Internet and by mail. Let me know who you’re giving the book to, and if you’d like me to add a specific message for them, and I'll personally sign the bookplate and get it in the mail to you in time for the holidays.
And if you’d like me to sign and personalize a bookplate for your copy of Calamity, too, just let me know!
Request as many bookplates as you’d like (within reason). Postage within the United States is on me and I’ll do my best to get them out the very next day so you don’t have to wait.
And if you haven’t ordered your copy of Calamity, yet, it’s available wherever paperbacks & ebooks are sold: